In Baptism, people are incorporated into Christ and become part of God’s people. This first Sacrament makes us a “new creation through water and the Holy Spirit” (Cf. Christian Initiation, Introduction, no. 2). By the signing at Confirmation they are strengthened in the image of the Lord and are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.
This renewed gift of the Holy Spirit at Confirmation endows the candidates “with special strength” (Cf. Lumen Gentium, no. 11) to speak the Gospel and bear witness for Christ in the world. This coming of the Holy Spirit “confirms believers more fully to Christ and strengthens them so that they may bear witness to Christ for the building up of His Body in faith and love.” (Cf. RC, no. 2)
Confirmation brings to fullness that life in the Holy Spirit into which God’s sons and daughters were first initiated at Baptism.
Throughout the Diocese of Rochester, preparation for Confirmation begins in 8th grade. Over two years, culminating in 9th grade, candidates for the Sacrament deepen their knowledge of Church teaching and develop a deeper relationship with the Church and with Jesus Christ.
Registration will be posted soon! Please see schedule below.
If you are interested in making the Sacrament of Confirmation please contact Danielle Hubbel at [email protected]