Church of St. Leo the Great Ministry Contacts We need stewards! Please consider joining a ministry. Visit the St. Leo Website for more information – | |||
Page | Parish Ministries | Chairperson | Email address |
1 | Adoration of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament | Leanna Hale 737-9387
2 | Altar Servers | Deacon Jose` Rivera 392-2710 | |
3 | Bible Study | Patty Buskey 392-4266 | |
4 | Blankets of Love | Patty Buskey 392-4266 | |
5 | Building and Grounds | Ray Wenzel 585-749-6028 | |
6 | Catholic Moms | Danielle Hubbel 392-2710 | |
7 | Children’s Liturgy of the Word | Barb Richardson 392-7701 Cellphone: 585-230-0543 | |
8 | Christian Formation | Danielle Hubbel 392-2710
| |
9 | Cleaning Stewards –Office, Church & Altar | Parish Office 392-2710 | |
10 | Columbiettes | Janice Bradt 585-281-1091 | |
11 | Confraternity of Christian Women | Cheryl Almeter 392-2577 | |
12 | Cursillo |
Tim Spinelli 585-755-6252 |
13 | Evangelization Ministry | Cindy Craner 615-9469 | |
14 |
Finance Council [email protected]
| Dan Schwind 392-9017
15 | Grief Community | Leanna Hale 737-9387 | |
16 | Hilton East Drivers | Dan Schwind 392-9017 | |
17 | Hilton East Rosary & Communion Service | Donna Salata 392-5838 | |
18 | Hospitality – Greeters & Ushers | Patty Gorman 392-2710 | |
19 | Information Technology
| Website: Danielle Hubbel
Livestreaming: Gerry Hurley | 585-451-6603 |
20 | Knights of Columbus | Neil Combs 749-4559 |
21 | Lectors | Patty Gorman 585-392-2710 | |
22 | Liturgy - Art and Environment | Patty Gorman 392-2710
23 | Music Ministry
Patty Gorman 392-2710 “ “
Heather Hubbell 392-3824 “ “ Patty Gorman |
“ “ “ “
24 | OCIA | Danielle Hubbel 392-2710 |
25 | Office Stewards | Terri Nicolosi 392-2710 | |
26 | Parish Pastoral Council | Troy Shirley | |
27 | Prayer Ministry | Annie Murphy 585-520-6715 | |
28 | Priest Dinners | Michele Pechie 585-978-1792 | |
29 | Retreat – Men’s and Women’s | Neil Combs 749-4559 Mary Ann Hubbell 392-3824 | |
30 | Rosary Society | Betty Yokobosky 392-7865 | |
31 | Sacred Heart Enthronement |
Sue Lorz 704-4988
| |
32 | Saint Peregrine Ministry | Michele Pechie 585-978-1792 | |
33 | Social Justice | Jack Norris 585-613-5879 Rosemary Childs 585-490-2416 | |
34 | Social Life | Mary Bourret 585-732-6952 (better way to contact) | |
35 | Stewardship Council
| Carol Lennon 392-8348 | |
36 | Visitation of Homebound | Theresa Mance 392-4856 Margaret Adams 392-8064 |
37 | Youth Ministry | Deacon Jose and Nina Rivera 392-2710 | |
38 | Young Adult Ministry | Danielle Hubbel 392-2710 Anya Rosien |
***Check the St. Leo’s Website for the most current information and descriptions of the ministries. November 2024